6. You are to create a headline about the 2nd year digital classes in this program. The audience will be 1st year students. Please provide the headline and your reasoning behind it. (4 Marks)
5 Secrets to thrive in 2nd year digital classes
The headline above is the headline I decided to create about the 2nd year digital classes in this program. I created this headline, ensuring that it touched on the “4 U’s”. First, the word “Secrets” makes the headline feel very unique as if the content in the article is exclusive, including some lesser know insights that will give them an advantage in their digital bubble. Instead of using a word like “reasons”, “secrets” Implies that the tips they will be getting are actually valuable to their education, giving them an advantage.
Secondly, the headline is ultra-specific because it clearly mentioned “2nd year digital classes”, making it clear that the information is for first years who haven’t taken 2nd year digital classes yet. “5” also adds a layer of specificity, letting them know the content will be broken into parts, giving them structure. Its also much easier to read than the word “five” and is ideal for headlines since we can digest numbers so much better, specifically when they are odd.
Thirdly, it touches on urgency. “Thrive” is more than the word “passing” because its not about getting by its about soaking in the information and making the most out of the new learning experience. This may motivate the students who are unsure of what digital looks like in 2nd year and encourage them to feel a level of urgency to prepare for their next chapter. Lastly, the headline emits a promise with practical advice they can learn and then put to work. The students may find value in learning what’s next for reassurance. Overall, this headline is engaging, relevant, insightful and worth clicking on because it will solve a problem of uncertainty for the first years. I know in my first year I had no idea what to expect when I started my second year and a blog speaking on useful advice would have helped me tremendously when preparing myself for this new chapter.
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