Category: Assignment #2

  • Part B – Question 6

    6.     You are to create a headline about the 2nd year digital classes in this program. The audience will be 1st year students. Please provide the headline and your reasoning behind it. (4 Marks)

    5 Secrets to thrive in  2nd year digital classes

    The headline above is the headline I decided to create about the 2nd year digital classes in this program. I created this headline, ensuring that it touched on the “4 U’s”. First, the word “Secrets” makes the headline feel very unique as if the content in the article is exclusive,  including some lesser know insights that will give them an advantage in their digital bubble. Instead of using a word like “reasons”, “secrets” Implies that the tips they will be getting are actually valuable to their education, giving them an advantage.

    Secondly, the headline is ultra-specific because it clearly mentioned “2nd year digital classes”, making it clear that the information is for first years who haven’t taken 2nd year digital classes yet. “5” also adds a layer of specificity, letting them know the content will be broken into parts, giving them structure. Its also much easier to read than the word “five” and is ideal for headlines since we can digest numbers so much better, specifically when they are odd.

     Thirdly, it touches on urgency. “Thrive” is more than the word “passing” because its not about getting by its about soaking in the information and making the most out of the new learning experience. This may motivate the students who are unsure of what digital looks like in 2nd year and encourage them to feel a level of urgency to prepare for their next chapter. Lastly, the headline emits a promise with practical advice they can learn and then put to work. The students may find value in learning what’s next for reassurance. Overall, this headline is engaging, relevant, insightful and worth clicking on because it will solve a problem of uncertainty for the first years. I know in my first year I had no idea what to expect when I started my second year and a blog speaking on useful advice would have helped me tremendously when preparing myself for this new chapter.

  • Part B – Question 5

    5. Create a headline for an article about the SCC Advertising Program targeted to local graduating high school students. I am specifically not telling you what to do or the questions that need to be asked. Please provide the following:

    a.     Provide the headline

    7 reasons why St. Clair Advertising will shape YOUR future (59 characters)

    b.     Provide an overview of the elements missing in the instructions required for this task.

    There are many key elements missing in the instructions required for this task based on question #5. Its clear that the instructions are to target our headline to local graduating high school students, but its unsure what about the program I should be delivering to them in the headline. The missing elements would help to create a more focused and effective headline that is tailored. To start, the goal/objective of the articule isn’t specified so its unsure to really know how to align this headline with the intended message through the content. This goal could be anything from trying to persuade students to apply, just informing them, building awareness or to get them interested in the different classes offered. Without this its really hard to understand what the headline should convey. The headline should mirror what the article is about and in this case I have no idea since no information about the article isn’t present.  

    Also, we don’t know anything about these local graduating students, we know that they are probably interested in going to college if we are sending them a message but we don’t know their characteristics. There could be students who aren’t even interested at all. Why would we want to send a message to someone interested in nursing about the advertising program? Its important to know if we are targeting students who are actually interested in advertising or students unsure of what they want to do next career wise, or students who don’t want to go to college. Understanding their needs and desires would be key to shape a strong headline dedicated to match the desire of a specific group.  The digital user should be guided by headlines but if we don’t know who they are how can we guide them? The publication platform is also not mentioned in the instructions for this task, meaning that I cant match a headline to an exact platform or adjust it based on requirements. Its important the user can see the entire platform and without this its hard to tell if the user would even be able to read all of it at once. Overall, there is no context to what the headline should work on providing making it hard to give an effective headline to local graduating high school students, and that’s why this headline is very generalized.

    c.     Explain the headline you created, why, and any other reasons/justifications you need to provide to me for the headline you created. (6 Marks)

    I wanted to make sure this headline took on beneficial characteristics that make a good headline. I made it as clear as possible while being specific as possible to the instructions I was given. Its never a good idea to make people guess, or work hard by trying to figure out what a headline means because the reality is that we don’t have their attention for very long, if not at all. The goal with a headline is to attract the most immediate attention possible and get them interested. I also used “YOUR” in bold to emphasize and connect with the reader on a more personal level. This can make it feel like the message is speaking to any unique local high school graduate student. We learnt that headlines build relevance and since I don’t know exactly what the purpose of the headline is supposed to serve, I made it as general as possible so that it can directly speak to any general local student. The headline is promising something and in this case its promising a positive education that can lead to a fulfilled future in the real world.  

    Additionally, I used the number “7” intentionally because odd numbers work. It also indicates that there are valuable insights inside the article that will help and support students through a big life changing decision. They get readers interested because its something they aren’t used to seeing.  It also makes it more digestible and structured helping make the headline more compelling. Since its readable, the likelihood of share ability is higher and can hopefully see results from students sending to other students or parents to students. This headline is effective given the information at my disposal because it grabs attention and can meet the needs for local high school students thinking about their next big step in life.

  • Part B – Question 4

    4. Now you are going to apply what you have learned in class. As per the class discussion, please provide me with three different headlines for the story (article in Question #3) and outline your reasoning(s) and explanation for each. Please ensure you base your answer on the different elements of headlines we spoke about in class. Please go into detail for each. (12 Marks)

    The three different headlines I decided to create based on the article in question #3 “13 Delicious Recipes for a fancy Coffee Mood” based on what I’ve learned in class are the following:

    Headline #1 –  “How to make 13 Fancy Coffee Recipes From Home” (39 characters)

    Based on strong elements of a headline that we spoke about in class I decided to use the “How to” format that has been proven to work as strong headline structure. This headline is immediately striking and tells the reader that they will learn how to do something valuable throughout the article if they click to read more. According to what we’ve learnt, its important to tell the digital user what to do because this wont leave them feeling confused, this headline does exactly that. The clear action is “learning to make fancy coffee at home.” The number “13” as we learnt that numbers are meaningful helps make the article seem concrete, and even better its an odd number, something we look for because its much more intriguing and different than an even one. Numbers in a headline can make readers more likely to trust and engage with what an article has to offer, making it prominent in this headline. Lastly, this headline helps emphasize a certain lifestyle desire through words like “Fancy Coffee” and“From Home”. It can appeal to those who want to elevate their coffee game from generic to lavish while still keeping it relevant and accessible. This aligns with what we learnt in class about how marketing our headlines are about the stories that come with them. In this case it would be just turning something simple like drinking a cup of coffee into something special and more rewarding that people can enjoy. This headline is effective because it combines the “how to” structure and addresses what the reader is looking for, a recipe from home but still fancy enough to feel that same “café vibe”.

    Headline #2 – “Café-Style Coffee? Try These 13 Luxury at home Recipes” (54 characters)

    To start this headline off strong, I decided to incorporate a rhetorical question. Just like we learnt in class, the headline is the shiny hook that lures the fish. This question brings even more attention to the reader, acting as part of the main hook to draw readers in. We learnt that headlines should be used when the answer is there for the reader to pick up. In this case, the reader can imply that “yes” they are looking for café style coffee at home. This will make them more likely to click on the headline. Asking a question is also a good way to spike curiosity. Users are interested in what makes these at home recipes café quality and how they can recreate them in the comfort of their own home. “Luxury At-Home Recipes”, can take the reader from ordinary to beyond, promising  desire and a premium experience. This headline also taps into the storytelling aspect of transforming everyday coffee into a barista quality feeling. Additionally, it follows a principle we learnt about how users want to be surprised. This headline works on challenging this belief because it is possible to have high grade coffee from home but some people may not think this, they might think going to a café is their only option. This factor makes them more interested in what the article has to offer. Again, the number “13” makes this headline seem authentic and reliable because they can expect 13 reasons built upon throughout the article. I also included a call to action that includes the word “try.” In class we learnt that call to actions should consist of action words to be effective and “try” is an action word that can work on convincing the reader.

    Headline #3 – “13 Barista-Style Coffee Recipes to Elevate your senses” (54 characters)

    The third headline I decided to create was a little different from the first two because it stands out a bit more as a full experience outside of what coffee itself has to offer. “Elevate your senses” helps portray a full experience of feeling, tasting and enjoying. This aligns with what we learnt in class about how headlines should be providing something useful to the user while being ultra specific and unique, making it memorable and engaging. “Barista- Style” also speaks directly to a specific audience something that we learnt that the best headlines should do to see the best results. It also gives a layer of authority to the content because baristas are experts, making the content seem like expert advice as well. The headline is also short and consise making it direct and easy to understand. We learnt that users are impatient and fast moving, meaning they will move onto the next best thing if something doesn’t provide them value instantly. “13 Barista-Style Coffee Recipes” tells the reader they are getting more than just a regular coffee recipe, they are getting an actionable list. Another important factor we learnt is “three second rule”, and the headline should adhere to this. We don’t get the users attention for very long and we are competing for their attention. The headline makes the decision very easy. The user either wants to elevate their coffee senses or doesn’t and gets right to the point. This headline is complex because it keeps majority of its focus on experience, thinking about how the user should feel with expertise and engagement.

  • Part B – Question 3

    3.  As discussed in class, why do you feel Headlines are so important in web content? Please provide me with an example of a headline you clicked on recently (submit the exact headline including a screenshot) and outline in detail why you clicked it. In question #1, I asked why it resonated with you. For this question, I am asking why you actually clicked on it. This cannot be the same headline as question #1 (8 Marks)

    Headlines are so important for web content for countless reasons. Its not only the first thing people see to determine whether they want to keep reading or more but it can determine everything that user does and if a headline does not appeal to someone they will never, ever read the content you put out there. This means content can go to waste due to a poorly crafted headline. The first initial impression matters, and without a compelling headline bounce rates are likely to go through the roof. A headline is a promise to a benefit that the audience is looking for and it should solve a goal and spike interest at once. If its not worth anything why would anyone want to read more? Headlines also help improve readability for the user.

    As we’ve learnt through multiple classes, people scan, they don’t read. Headlines are an easy way to break up content making it easier for anyone to look through because it can help readers ensure they are in the right place and what they are looking for can easily be found in content under headlines. This ensures readers are where they should be instead of leaving users feeling confused or frustrated on where to find information. This helps build credibility and trust ensuring that they find what they were expecting. Making it hard for the user will drive them from your site as they wont want to engage. For example “Ways to keep your dog safe and make sure they don’t get lost with their pet ID on” its much harder to read then if a headline were to say “5 ways to keep your dog safe with a pet ID tag.” It includes a number for structure, is simple, consise and not overly lengthy. We don’t have long attention spans as humans and to cater to this, headlines help make it easier then just a bunch of long text with no clear separation indicator. We learnt in class that if you want people to read the content you put out there, you need to have a good reason why they should. The headline acts as this good reason because it’s the shinny hook that lures the fish and guides users to the next thing.

    Headlines need to make an impression since they will be shared and it’s the only opportunity we have to grab attention in a world of extremely over produced content. Headlines are authority. They tap into user psychology and curiosity because people are usually clicking on something they are interested in and when we understand that, insightful headlines can be crafted to serve a purpose. Overall they are important for web content since they can capture attention, improve readability, improve user experience and tell a story.


    Headline: 13 Delicious Recipes for a Fancy Coffee Mood

    This “13 Delicious Recipes for a Fancy Coffee Mood” is a headline that I clicked on recently. Immediately I recognized the number “13”, something that stood out to me and made me think that the article had some sense of structure and promise to it. To me, It seemed as if there were a variety of ideas or options to explore surrounding coffee drinks. I was curious to what these 13 recipes were, what kind of ingredients they had and how I could easily make them at home. The headline seemed promising to something different since I’m used to basic and familiar coffee recipes. I also became really interested just by the word “delicious”, making the headline extremely appealing since I cannot drink plain coffee by itself. I drink coffee almost everyday and I’m always eager to learn more about how I can incorporate new beans, flavored shots or creamers into my cup to make it taste better and more exciting. “Delicious” made me think that these recipes would be something worth trying, and this definitely sparked my interest even more. I’ve been tired of the same coffee routine lately and “fancy coffee mood” made It seem out of the ordinary, allowing myself to indulge in something new and experience new flavors. Overall, I clicked on this headline because it offered a variety, sounded delicious and promised something different from what I am used to seeing online about coffee recipes. I was sparked by curiosity and it made me want to think about new ideas that would make me enjoy my coffee habits even more.

  • Part B – Question 2

    2.   As per the headline in Question #1, was the headline representative of the article? Please explain your reasoning in detail. (4 Marks)

    Yes, the headline “33 BEST Things to do in BC, Canada (2025 Bucket List!) is an accurate representation of what content the article holds. It delivers an immediate promise by listing and explaining the best rated activities in British Columbia including personal in-counters, prices and photos from each location.

    First,  the headline suggest that the article will include a structured list of 33 experience to knock off a bucket list and through the article It follows each step, providing 33 activities throughly. Every activity is listed in bold with the numbered activity right in-front, clearly listing each separately, ensuring easy navigation and scan-ability. The number reassures the choice of multiple options for the reader giving them opportunity to experience more than 1 specific activity.

    Secondly, the article is highly relevant to British Columbia by ensuring that everything is specific to things happening in British Columbia and not outside of this area. Experiences vary from hiking, camping, driving or exploring breathtaking views by waterfalls. It matches many different traveler preferences making it unique to anyone and not just one specific interest. This makes it extremely relevant to anyone looking into travel in BC and explore its beauty. “Things to do in BC, Canada” in the headline I supported by all of this detailed information about the different attractions.

    Thirdly, the phrase “2025 Bucket List” in the headline is implying that the recommendations and insights in the article will be relevant to take part in this year. The article supports this with current costing prices for certain activities and even acres, km and duration of hikes. This is in direct support of current must do’s and trending experiences making the list feel very fresh and reliable instead of generic with outdated perceptions. This article was put together by a traveling couple making it feel even more timely in todays modern world.

    Lastly,  the headline is focusing on a high promising value to the reader by using the word “BEST”. The article provides more than this. It goes beyond just a simple list, it includes detailed, high quality, contextual description focusing on travel tips from experience and reasons why each activity is worth it, giving readers benefits that they can expect. They feature best booking times and best times to visit making it very practical and actionable to any traveler which is why it really is an article that accurately represents what the attention grabbing headline stands for.

  • Part B – Question 1

    1.     Find one (1) headline that you came across recently and thought it was great. You are to explain why it resonated with you. Please ensure that you base your answers only topics discussed in class. Meaning, based on course content discussed in class, you are to tie specific elements that we discussed constituted a “good” headline or “elements” of a good headline and how this specific element is referenced in the headline that resonated with you. (6 Marks)

    (33 BEST Things to do in BC, Canada (2025 Bucket List!)

    This headline that I came across recently resonated with me since I have been actively seeking things to do in British Columbia as I will be going on vacation there come mid August. I have already planned this trip, meaning this headline is highly relevant to me. This headline immediately got my attention since it was already something I was interested in and guided me to click onto the article.

     In class we learnt how to craft headlines, a step by step guide about why they matter and how if you don’t resonate some sort of power within the headline it wont work. One of the most important factors affecting good headlines are numbers, especially odd ones. Our brain can process numbers easier than the word “eleven” for example. In this article “33” was the number used, and this element resonated with me because there are so many things to do in British Columbia and narrowing it down to 33 is a good amount because even if I didn’t like some options I would still have plenty to choose from. To me it signalled that the article would be structured, scannable and easy to read without me having to try and find the information everywhere all over the article. There was an expectation that this article would be about 33 specific things to do in British Columbia which clearly enticed me to want to know more.

    Headlines should also be concise, this one consisted of 54 characters. This is a standard that Google has that not only helps the reader but can also help in SEO. 60 characters or less is the ideal length from what we learnt in class. This headline was fully displayed in the search result and wasn’t cut off making it more intriguing to me because I wasn’t guessing what the rest of the headline could have said. I genuinely knew what I could expect from this headline. A good headline promises something valuable to the user and should serve a purpose while being easily digestible so that the reader can actually understand. This headline promised its value by using power words such as “BEST” adding a level of authority and excitement. Travellers are usually looking for top notch experiences so that they can make the most out of their trip. This appeal is to connect with customers emotionally and this resonated with me in terms of FOMO (fear of missing out). It would be devastating to me if I went on a once in a lifetime trip and missed so many opportunities so this really resonated with me because I’m an active person who seeks things to do to be fulfilled. Headlines should build a momentum, and convince the readers that this is something they should click on and read. This comes to show how much a well crafted and beneficial headline is worth.

    Additionally, we learnt in class that the “4 U’s” are crucial to confident, attention driven headlines that actually make a difference. Its unique because creates a sense of exclusivity. Specifically the phrase “BEST Things to do” makes it feel curated instead of just generic and “2025 Bucket List” ensures that its fresh unlike other outdated travel articles that exist. This resonates with me because I have a “bucket list” that I keep on my phone with many travel milestones I have or want to complete. The fact that this is in the title makes it even more rewarding and in connection with what I stand for as a young traveler. Its also ultra specific giving detailed information to the user such as “33 BEST” and “Things to do in BC, Canada.” The exact number sets a specific expectation and the location specifies the location making its context relevant to travellers who are interested on planning a trip to BC or have already made the plans including myself.

    Adding on, it creates a sense of urgency with the phrase “2025 Bucket List” since its stating that these are activities that should be participated in this year before it would be too late to do so. “BEST” also creates urgency since readers may feel inclined to take part in these top notch must do experiences before the opportunity leaves. I know that after seeing this, I want to take part in what the article has to offer to show my friends and family from back home. Why wouldn’t I want to if they are considered the “BEST” that British Columbia has? Lastly, this headline is useful. For readers inclined to want to know what to do, this headline provides a clear promised value of 33 experiences. “Bucket List” helps imply that all of these activities are must do’s and something useful that readers can take and incorporate into their own itinerary.

    Overall, the headline effectively incorporates the use of the “4 U’s” making it a headline that is likely to be effective and providing something of value that the users can walk away with. This headline is a step ahead of competition since it touches on these four factors and many more making it not only great but also in resonance with me, an active experience seeker individual looking to make my trip ultimate. I think it resonated with me the most because I will be there visiting my aunt in August and it will be interesting to see how many things I can knock off of my bucket list. I have never been to British Columbia so it will be interesting to see everything with my own eyes and create my very own bucket list experiences.

    Since I clicked on this headline, it clearly stood out to me due to its clear, engaging and relevant structure in touch with an upcoming vacation I will be taking. Being swayed by the headline means that it was effective.